How To Summarize Books With Memoflips

Memoflips provide you with the opportunity to create a detailed and well-designed summary of a topic or book. Although creating such Memoflips is time-consuming, it ensures that you will retain the content of the book. This is because the process of creating the Memoflip requires you to engage intensively with the book’s content and represent it in various ways, which helps you truly understand and remember it. Additionally, you will have a comprehensive summary that you can review and revisit at your leisure.

How to Create a Memoflip

Memoflips are a small booklet with several pages that can be written on and illustrated. If you want to create a Memoflip, you first need to consider how many pages you will need. Then, take half as many A4 sheets and stack them vertically, leaving a one-centimeter gap between the bottom sheet and the sheet above it at the bottom edge. Next, fold the sheets from top to bottom, ensuring there is again a one-centimeter space in between. Finally, staple the Memoflip at the top edge.

Steps to Create Memoflips
Steps to Create a Memoflip

How to fill Memoflips with Content

Once you have the Memoflip’s structure set, write the topic of the Memoflip on the top page and draw or paint a relevant picture. When summarizing a book, you can simply use the title and the cover image of the book. Then, think about how you want to organize your Memoflip and create a sort of table of contents by writing the topic of each page on the protruding bottom edge. You can include elements such as the structure of the book or topic, the main points, quotes, and your own assessment in your Memoflip. Additionally, you can effectively combine the Memoflip with other techniques like mind maps, concept maps, diagrams, and much more.

Memoflip for the Book "Winners: And How They Succeed" by Alastair Campbell
Memoflip for the Book “Winners: And How They Succeed” by Alastair Campbell

After establishing the layout of the Memoflip, you can fill in the individual pages. Use different colors, shapes, and representations, and draw connections between different elements with lines or arrows. This visualizes the content as well as the relationships within the book. As a result, reviewing the Memoflip will make the content easier to understand and retain. Refer to other books and utilize your own knowledge to complement and evaluate the book’s content.

After completing the Memoflip, place it in a location where you will frequently see it and can go through it again.

Representation of a page of the Memoflip
Representation of a page of the Memoflip

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